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UPS Battery Testing & Replacement.

Effective datacentre battery management


Battery failures account for a high proportion of unplanned datacentre outages. As a battery gets older, it is more likely to fail; any UPS older than 5 years is particularly vulnerable. Poorly maintained battery environments can also dramatically shorten a battery’s operational life so, should the mains fail, your business could find itself without its critical IT services.

UPS battery replacement services
Strict WEEE regulations govern the replacement and disposal of UPS batteries. Comtec Power is licensed to undertake battery removals and disposals in accordance with existing environmental legislation. Our engineers are specially trained in the correct handling of environmentally unfriendly materials. Where applicable, we will collect and remove your old UPS batteries in approved containers before ensuring their safe and prompt disposal.

UPS battery discharge testing
To comply with quality management systems, including ISO9000, you need to prove that your UPS batteries are performing correctly. Our engineers perform the stringent tests necessary to produce the required documentation. By executing tests using a controlled constant current discharge, the health of each battery can be determined, as well as its ability to perform to specification and the life expectancy of each cell.

UPS battery impedance testing
Internal impedance within a battery increases with age and discharge history and can restrict its flow of energy, increasing the risk of failure. Our engineers are trained in advanced impedance testing to measure internal resistance and provide meaningful data on corrosion levels or other defects. Our fast and reliable tests are invaluable in monitoring battery performance, helping to minimise the risk of failure and reinforcing the reliability of your datacentre.

UPS battery testing
Comtec Power can provide a comprehensive range of tests and routine maintenance to ensure your new and existing battery installations are properly specified and performing optimally, as well as detecting any failing cells that may cause power disruption.

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